
Washington Congressional Representatives Ask for Clarification on ICE Policies

By:  The Chronicle Staff
Source: The Chronicle

U.S. Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray joined with Washington state Democratic representatives to express concern to the Department of Homeland Security over enforcement priorities. 

In a press release, the senators said they are concerned that enforcement priorities are so broad that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients may be caught in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids. 

The detention of Seattle resident Daniel Ramirez Medina last week stoked their concerns, the release said. Medina is a DREAMer who was detained. 

“We expect due process and facts to guide government agency’s actions,” the congressional delegates said in a letter. “But what we have seen from this administration is repeated falsehoods about immigrants and refugees, and suspicion and allegations rule the day. This is unacceptable, and we demand better.” 

DACA recipients were encouraged under the Obama presidency to register with the federal government for participation in the program with the understanding they would not be targeted for detention and deportation if they followed the law, the release said. 

The letter specifically requests a detailed description of any change in immigration enforcement policy since President Donald Trump was sworn in, a description of how ICE conducts oversight of its enforcement actions, including DACA recipients who were detained as collateral to other raids, among other requests.