
Cantwell Commemorates Martin Luther King Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released the following statement in honor of Martin Luther King Day:

“On this day, we celebrate a man and honor his legacy. We see great courage in the story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and find inspiration still in his beautiful words. We reflect on the civil rights movement that he led and recognize that we have much progress still to make.

“With great passion, Dr. King confronted hate, spoke of hope, and transformed America. Through direct action, penetrating vision, and bold leadership, he forced our nation and its people to acknowledge injustice.

“Upon accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, Dr. King said, “I believe that what self-centered men have torn down, men other-centered can build up.” Today, we must build up new sources of hope. Made strong by the diversity of our national community, we must work together to invest in tomorrow.

“That investment means writing a new economic story that creates opportunity for all Americans, not just a privileged few. It means standing up today for social justice, equality, and the most basic rights just as Dr. King did 40 years ago. It means providing a high-quality education for all of our young people, and high-quality health care for all of our families. And it means confronting, not ignoring, the poverty, corruption, and violence that betray the basic foundation of this nation and the core values of its people. That is our tribute to Dr. King, our obligation to one another, and our duty to future generations.”