
Maria's Monday Memo

The Offshore Drilling Hoax
Last week I expressed my dismay at PresidentBush’s short sided decision to overturn a nearly 30 year old executive ban on offshore drilling put in place by President George H.W. Bush.  If President Bush was really serious about addressing gas prices he would stop offering the same failed policies of the past that feed our oil addiction and pad the pockets of Big Oil.  The math is simple, the United States consumes a quarter of the world’s oil, but only has two percent of the world’s oil reserves.  Instead of the same old ideas, that even his own Energy Department says won't have any impact on domestic oil production or prices before 2030, the President should work with Congress to accelerate the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, crack down on excessive speculation in the oil futures market, and stop blocking efforts to address global warming.
Congress Works for Americans – Overrides President’s Medicare Veto
Last Tuesday, I joined an overwhelming majority of my colleagues in overriding President Bush’s veto of legislation designed to save Medicare and TRICARE from damaging cuts.  With the veto override, Medicare physician reimbursement rates will be restored from a 10.6 percent cut that went into effect last week.  The newly-passed bill will preserve access to care for thousands of seniors, veterans, and service-members in Washington state.  In addition, it will reinstate critical federal support for rural health care providers, improve access to programs that help low-income seniors pay their medical bills, and lower out of pocket costs for those seeking mental health services in Medicare.  This bill is a tremendous victory for seniors and veterans in need of a stronger Medicare, and I am pleased that my colleagues were able to overturn the President’s irresponsible veto. 
Helping Combat AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Last week, I praised Senate passage of the United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008. The bill passed by a vote of 80 to 16. Diseases such as these reach well beyond our own nation’s borders, and are at crisis levels in many parts of the world. Any solution to this problem should also reach beyond our own borders.   The United States must continue supporting and funding programs both at home and abroad that address the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as tuberculosis, and malaria. I will continue to fight for increased resources in order to battle these diseases.
This bill would authorize $50 billion over  five years for treatment and prevention programs for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria; require that the President establish a new five-year strategy to fight  these diseases; increase resources for  multinational efforts to combat these diseases;  increase the effectiveness of prevention, treatment, and care programs, including  those targeting women and young girls; encourage public-private partnerships; reinforce vaccine development and other research, including operations research; and help partner countries to strengthen health systems. The bill also contains oversight, evaluation, and reporting provisions on the use of funds.
Swift Congressional and Presidential Action Needed to Rein in Out of Control Oil Prices
Following last week’s introduction of the Stop Excessive Energy Speculation Act of 2008 (S. 3268), I urged my colleagues in Congress, as well as the President, to act quickly to let the air out of the oil price bubble and provide American families and businesses with some relief from today’s sky-high gasoline prices.  For months, I have been calling on my colleagues in Congress on both sides of the aisle to establish a clear, bright line in the oil and gas markets to protect American families and businesses from excessive speculation and possible manipulation that could be leading to today’s record high gas prices. I applaud Senate leadership for combining the best legislative proposals from both sides of the aisle and moving ahead with a Senate vote.  And while this bill has real teeth, we need to make sure it provides a clear and workable approach so that markets respond accordingly and there is no possible excuse for federal regulators to continue sitting on their hands.  Congress and the President must act quickly and see that this bill is enacted into law. The American people can no longer afford to wait.
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