
Accomplishments of Senator Maria Cantwell January 2001-March 2001

Pipeline Safety Amendment:

S.AMDT.10: Calls for higher levels of pipeline safety. This measure protects Americans living near pipelines from becoming victims of pipeline accidents by requiring testing of pipelines every five years to ensure that safety standards are being met. The Senate agreed to the Amendment on February 8, 2001. S. 235, as amended, passed the Senate on Feb. 8.

Seattle Earthquake:

Traveled to Washington with FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh to survey damage and work to ensure declaration of a federal disaster area and speedy federal assistance for victims.

Campaign Finance Reform

Senator Cantwell cosponsored the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill. She cosponsored both the Kerry and Wellstone amendments promoting public financing and spending limits. She twice spoke on the Senate floor in support of meaningful campaign finance reform. Final passage on McCain-Feingold will occur April 2.

Co-sponsored Legislation:

S.27 Campaign Finance Reform Bill: McCain-Feingold Bill which would ban soft money campaign contributions. This issue was a centerpiece of Senator Cantwell's Senate campaign. Final passage is scheduled for April 2.

Cosponsored the Wellstone Public Financing Amendment to S.27. Allows states to enact voluntary public financing legislation regarding federal elections.

Cosponsored the Kerry Public Financing Amendment to S.27. Provides partial public financing to Senate candidates who agree to voluntary spending limits.

S.149 Export Administration Act of 2001: Raises export limits on devices with high computing power.

S.277 Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2001. Provides for a $1.50 increase in the federal minimum wage over the next two years.

S.295 Small Business Energy Emergency Relief Act of 2001: Provides emergency relief to small businesses impacted by increased energy costs. Passed the Senate by unanimous consent March 26.

S.299 Pipeline Safety Enhancement Act of 2001: Calls for enhanced safety and environmental protection in pipeline transportation.

S.321 Family Opportunity Act of 2001: Gives States the option of allowing families to purchase Medicaid coverage for their disabled children.

S.350 Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001: Amends the Superfund law to promote the cleanup and re-development of moderately contaminated sites.

S.352 Energy Emergency Response Act of 2001: Increases appropriations for low-income energy assistance.

S.366 Amendment to the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978: Increases available funding for agricultural trade programs.

S. 367, the Global Democracy Act: This legislation says that foreign nongovernmental organizations will not be ineligible for U.S. family planning assistance if they provide health or medical services with their own money if these services do not violate the laws of their own country.

S.411 ANWR: Designates the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.

S.J.RES.10 A Joint Resolution proposing the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.

Cabinet Appointment Hearings: Senator Cantwell took part in committee hearings on several high-profile appointments, including John Ashcroft (AG), Gail Norton (Interior), and Spencer Abraham (Energy). Senator Cantwell questioned all appointees who came before her committees concerning matters of importance to her constituents. Under questioning from Cantwell, Interior Secretary Designee Gail Norton Pledged not to take action to revoke the National Monument status of Hanford Reach without first consulting members of Washington's Congressional delegation as well as affected communities in Washington. Also under questioning from Cantwell, Attorney General Ashcroft promised to defend the final rule on the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation to protect 58.5 million acres of national forest land.

Roadless Area Conservation:

Senator Cantwell has been actively working to ensure that the Clinton Administration's rule on Roadless Area Conservation is enforced by the Department of Justice. During John Ashcroft's confirmation hearing Senator Cantwell secured a commitment from Ashcroft to defend the law on the National Roadless Area which protects over 58 million acres. Senator Cantwell has spoken with the Attorney General on the phone and will meet with him this week to remind him of his obligation to vigorously defend this important law.

Volume of mail answered:

Approximately 45,000 written responses have been sent to constituents who have made inquiries to Senator Cantwell's office.

Calls Received:

Senator Cantwell's office logged over 8,000 calls regarding President Bush's Cabinet Nominees.

Co-signed letters:

Letter to President Bush concerning the 1996 US-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement.

Letter with Sen. Murray to President Bush and Rep. Dunn concerning judicial nominations.

Letter with Sen. Leahy to Ashcroft on implementation of the National Forest Roadless Protection Rule.

Dear Colleague Letter in favor of S.303, the Public Education Reinvestment, Reinvention, and Responsibility Act.

Letter to President Bush expressing opposition to cuts in the Department of Energy budget, particularly those cuts which may affect the Hanford site cleanup.

Letter to Secretary Evans urging a delay in the release of Census figures until related Senate hearings are complete.

Letter to Secretary Veneman requesting payment of $100 million market loss assistance to apple growers.

Letter of sympathy to the family of Specialist Jason D. Wildfong, of Ft. Lewis, who was killed in the bombing accident at the Udairi Training Ground in Kuwait.


Participated in Emergency Conservation Summit in Seattle on 3/31/01. Participants discussed the current status of the western energy crisis and conservation efforts in the region.

NACo Legislative Conference speech, March 5, 2001: Addressed over 1,500 members of the National Association of Counties. Spoke about the digital divide, job training, and disaster preparation.