
Cantwell: ‘After Seven Months of Service the Crew of the USS Stennis is Returning to Washington Shores’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released the following statement after the USS Stennis docked in Bremerton on Friday morning. The USS Stennis is returning from a seven month deployment that included the aircraft carrier’s launch of more than 1,000 flights over Afghanistan as well as the launch of the last Navy mission over Iraq. 

“After seven months of service in dangerous waters, the crew of the USS Stennis is returning to Washington shores,” said Cantwell. “Today we honor the service of the 5,000 crew members who have completed their tour of duty. 

“While patrolling hot spots in the Middle East in January, the Stennis came to the aid of an Iranian fishing boat after an attack by pirates. All Washingtonians – and all Americans are proud of their heroic actions, which led to the detention of 15 pirates and the safe rescue of the fishermen.  

“My tour of the USS Stennis in 2010 gave me a first-hand look at this vessel’s place in Washington state’s proud naval tradition. I have no doubt that the crew’s heroic service on this deployment will add another chapter to that history. On behalf of Washington state, we extend our immense gratitude to the sailors aboard the USS Stennis and wish them well on their homecoming.”
