
Cantwell Announces Federal Grant For PNNL

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) today announced that Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will receive a $10.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

The grant money will be used to fund genomics technology to concentrate on energy production, environmental cleanup and global warming. The $10.6 million grant received by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) was the largest for the Pacific Northwest, and was part of a $103 award total that was divided among national labs, universities and research hospitals, and private research institutes.

"This is a great opportunity for PNNL to expand their important work on gene technology," Cantwell said. "Genome research is of critical importance not only for medical reasons, but for environmental ones as well. This project could lead to significant advances in environmental cleanup, and I am proud to say that much of it will be conducted in Washington state."

This grant will support efforts to understand the biological workings of different types of bacteria, knowledge that could potentially utilize them to help produce energy or recycle gases that are causing global warming. Now that scientists have completed DNA-sequencing projects such as genetic maps for humans and bacteria, they are trying to understand how the parts work together, which is called "systems biology."