
Cantwell Applauds News of Settlement Talks to End European Airbus Subsidies

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell issued the following statement, regarding the announcement that U.S. and European trade negotiators will pursue settlement talks to end Airbus subsidies.

“We need fruitful discussions that will stop Airbus from unfairly subsidizing the financing of their planes,” said Sen. Maria Cantwell. “Consumers win when whoever builds the best planes wins in the marketplace.”

U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick today announced that the U.S. and E.U. have agreed to defer pursuing complaints now pending before the World Trade Organization. Instead, they will attempt to settle through bilateral talks their dispute over subsidies to Airbus and tax relief for Boeing. These talks will occur over the next three months. The settlement discussions will specifically try to reduce subsidies and come up with a list of aid compliant with WTO rules, which the aircraft manufacturers would still be eligible to receive.