
Cantwell Calls for Immediate Congressional Hearings to Review Port Deal

Senator stresses need for thorough and transparent investigation, importance of nation’s port security

SEATTLE, WA – Wednesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) called for congressional hearings to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation of a deal to hand operations at six major U.S. ports over to Dubai Ports World, a business owned by the United Arab Emirates. Cantwell criticized the administration’s failure to conduct a comprehensive review of the deal, and emphasized the need for vigorous Congressional hearings to ensure that all U.S. ports remain secure.

“It’s very troubling that the president insists on moving forward on this massive port acquisition without first conducting a detailed and comprehensive analysis,” said Cantwell, ranking member on the Coast Guard subcommittee, which has large jurisdiction over America’s port security. “Port Security is critical for our nation’s economic success. We know that our ports continue to be vulnerable to possible terrorist attacks. The American public needs to be assured that this deal is completely safe before it moves forward.”

“The knowledge that some of the 9/11 terrorists traveled through the United Arab Emirates, and groups associated with al Qaeda moved terror funding through its banking system, should trigger greater scrutiny of this deal,” continued Cantwell. “Any agreement allowing a foreign government-owned company to oversee the importation of millions of tons of cargo into our country requires the highest level of scrutiny. We need to do more, not less, to make sure our ports are secure and that all cargo entering the U.S. is safe. To make absolutely certain neither our nation’s security nor its economic strength are compromised, I’ll continue working to make sure the administration conducts a thorough and transparent examination of this deal.”

Cantwell is calling on the Commerce Committee, of which she is a member, to conduct hearings to look into the Ports Dubai and its implications for America’s economic success and the security of our ports.

Cantwell has worked for years to enhance security at ports in Washington state and across the country. She supported the Maritime Transportation Security Act, passed and signed into law in 2002. This comprehensive port security law required the development of new port security plans, and set up local port security committees to better coordinate the efforts of federal, state, local, and private law enforcement bodies. The law also directed the Transportation Department to develop regulations for secure areas in ports, including the development of identification cards containing biometric information. It also mandated that all commercial vessels have an automatic identification system to enable vessel tracking in U.S. waters. Cantwell also fought for necessary resources in last year’s homeland security appropriations bill, and is a cosponsor of the Transportation Security Improvement Act to bolster maritime, ferry, and port security.
