
Cantwell Calls for Security Protocol with Canada for Passenger Trains

Requests Northwest Pilot Project

WASHINGTON, D.C . - In a hearing before the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee today on rail security, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) called on the Department of Homeland Security to establish a rail passenger protocol with Canada, which is similar to the rail freight protocol established in 2003. A bilateral passenger protocol would provide U.S. officials with lists of passengers on trains entering the U.S., ensure improved inspections of passengers and baggage on trains, and include other security measures.

Senator Cantwell also called on Under Secretary Asa Hutchinson and the Department of Homeland Security to establish a passenger rail security pilot project in the Northwest.

Cantwell said, "In the Northwest, we carry backpacks like people in the Northeast carry brief cases. After the Madrid attacks, we need more security."

Yesterday, Secretary Tom Ridge announced a pilot project to screen passengers and baggage at a U.S. train station. The Senate Commerce Committee plans to consider legislation to improve rail security in the next few weeks.