
Cantwell Calls on Energy Nominee Chu to Move Quickly to Address Nation's Energy Challenges

Urges Chu to end years of broken Hanford cleanup promises, support more BPA borrowing authority, and increase investments for clean energy technologies

WASHINGTON, DC – Tuesday, during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on the nomination of Dr. Steven Chu to be the Secretary of Energy, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) called on Chu to move quickly to address our nation’s energy challenges.  Cantwell questioned Chu on topics ranging from the Hanford cleanup to clean energy legislation and the Bonneville Power Administration.

This is a critical time for our nation’s energy policy future and the next Energy Secretary is going to have to have to act more boldly and more quickly than ever before in our history,” said Cantwell.  “Whether it’s making good on broken promises and living up to the Department’s responsibility at Hanford or addressing future investments in clean energy technologies, I’m confident that Dr. Chu will be a strong ally for the Northwest.  For the first time since I was sworn in as a U.S. Senator, I’m looking forward to having an Energy Secretary who will consistently put policy and science ahead of politics. Chu's reputation as a strong advocate for addressing global climate change and increasing research and development of renewable energy sources and his experiences at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are encouraging and I look forward to working with him on moving America's energy policy forward to address the new challenges of our society.”

As the new Congress begins, Cantwell plans on introducing legislation to: provide a detailed blueprint of the kind of clean energy stimulus needed to truly transform our nation’s energy system; ensure plug-in electric vehicles and their component parts, like batteries, are manufactured domestically; transform our energy system by making a smarter grid and distributed generation a reality; provide businesses with the tax certainty they need to develop clean energy technologies; and, establish an Executive-Congressional Commission on China and India in the areas of energy and the environment.  In addition she has called on Congressional leaders to include increased investments to energy transmission system as part of the economic stimulus package.  She plans on working with the new Energy Department on these important issues.

Cantwell has long-championed investing in clean energy technologies that move our country away from its overdependence on fossil fuels and help boost our economy and create high-wage “green collar” jobs.  Cantwell has also been a leader in urging the U.S. to expand clean energy cooperation with China and has fought for the necessary resources to cleanup Hanford and pushed the Bush administration to provide transparent and credible cleanup plans.

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