
Cantwell Commemorates Martin Luther King Day

TACOMA, WA – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) will attend a tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall.  The following are excerpts from Cantwell’s prepared remarks:

“Today, we remember a man who gave his life in the pursuit of equality and justice for all, and whose memory continues to inspire us to stand up for our basic human rights.
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew that in order to make our country better for people today, we must invest in the future. Made strong by the diversity of our national community, this past year we have taken some tremendous strides forward. We repealed the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy. We also enacted landmark health care reform into law, which makes health care a right, not a privilege. Also this past year, we signed into law the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act, which is helping provide wider and more affordable access to nutritious food options in school cafeterias for low-income children.
“But while we reflect on our nation’s progress, and Dr. King’s legacy, we must recognize we have much more to do. Education is the key to the doors of opportunity, and to future economic prosperity, for one and for all. We must focus on eliminating the educational inequities inherent in our educational system. We must do more to keep our youth out of gangs. Our communities must be safe places for our youth. 
“It is our obligation to one another, and our responsibility to guarantee a better country for generations to come.  It means confronting, not ignoring, the poverty, corruption, and violence that betray the basic foundation of this nation and the core values of its people.  And it means standing up today for social justice, equality, and the most basic rights just as Dr. King did 40 years ago. We must continue this legacy, today and every day. That is our tribute to Dr. King, our obligation to one another, and our duty to future generations.”
To see a video of Senator Cantwell’s remarks, click here. Then click the “WATCH NOW” icon on the left hand side, and Senator Cantwell’s remarks begin at approximately 38:40 into the program.