
Cantwell Congratulates Spokane on Winning Bid to Host U.S. Figure Skating Championships

WASHINGTON, D.C . - U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) congratulated the City of Spokane today for its successful bid to host the 2007 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Local officials estimate the event will provide a $30 million boost to the local economy.

“This is a great victory for Spokane,” Cantwell said.

“This will have a huge economic impact on the Inland Empire and the State of Washington . Spokane will show the world what a great place it is to live,” she stated.

The U.S. Figure Skating Events Advisory Board notified Spokane this afternoon it had prevailed over Boston to host the national championship. Portland will host the event in 2005 with St. Louis scheduled for 2006.