
Cantwell, Dicks: Spending Bill Funds Shelton Water and Sewer Plan

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Representative Norm Dicks (D-WA) today announced that they secured $810,000 in the omnibus spending bill for the Shelton Area Regional Water and Sewer Plan to improve water resources and wastewater infrastructure in and around the City of Shelton. The conference report was passed by the Senate and House of Representatives late last night and is headed to the President's desk. "This money helps ensure that Shelton is able to make the needed investments in water resources and wastewater infrastructure," Cantwell said. "The Shelton Water and Sewer plan will bring more jobs to the region during tough economic times."

Sixth District Congressman Norm Dicks said "I know how important this wastewater improvement is to the Shelton area's environmental and economic future, and I am pleased that we were able to obtain the agreement of the House and Senate for this appropriation."

With the Regional System, the Port of Shelton anticipates recruiting one new business annually which equates to adding 30 new employees to the local economy each year. The Regional System will also allow for Washington Corrections Center expansion and provide an estimated 267 family-wage jobs.

The City of Shelton, the Port of Shelton, Mason County, Mason County Public Utility District No. 1, The Mason County Economic Development Council, the State of Washington Department of Corrections and State of Washington State Patrol formed a regional partnership to work on the Water and Sewer Plan. This alliance of public works providers and major area employers has spent two years and over $300,000 of local funds developing a regional plan to share and expand the City of Shelton's water and wastewater system.

The partnership is proposing to undertake a major infrastructure investment over the next ten years with the expectation that this investment will provide significant job growth, increase property value, improve environmental protection and lead to new economic development for this community.