
Cantwell: "Disappointed, But Unsurprised" By FCC Ramming Through Proposed Media Ownership Rules

WASHINGTON, DC – WASHINGTON, DC – Tuesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell issued a statement regarding Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Chairman Martin’s proposal to overturn longstanding rules prohibiting a daily newspaper from owning a television or radio station in the same market.
Martin’s proposed rules would allow a major daily newspaper in the twenty largest media markets to own one television station if the station is not among the top four ranked stations in the area and there are more than eight independently owned and operating newspapers and television stations after the transaction is completed. Seattle is the nation’s fourteenth largest media market.
Cantwell’s Statement:
“Again and again, Chairman Martin has attempted to ram through rules that will encourage media concentration despite the public’s loud and clear opposition.  I’m disappointed but unsurprised that after claiming the hearings were going to be a critical part of the FCC’s process, and giving the public merely a week’s notice on the hearing, he has released a proposal that ignores the over nine hours of testimony from Washingtonians barely 72 hours later. The chairman says he invites public comment on his proposals, so I hope that everyone will contact the FCC to let them know exactly what they think of this proposal. If Congress has to act to stop media consolidation, we will.”
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