
Cantwell Joins Union Leaders and Representatives to Applaud GAO Decision Favoring Boeing's Protest

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) along with Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) joined union leaders, machinists representatives and Boeing workers to applaud the GAO's decision favoring Boeing's protest of the tanker contract.  On Wednesday, the GAO upheld Boeing's protest of the refueling tanker contract and recommended the service hold a new competition.
“Boeing and the American people are the big winners in this decision,” said Cantwell. “The GAO criticisms were a scathing indictment of the Air Force’s process. The Air Force will have no choice but to re-bid this project. The Air Force’s decision in February ignored serious implications for the national security and readiness of our country. Congress must now have strong oversight over how the Air Force responds in the weeks and months ahead. The Pacific Northwest has a long, proud tradition of equipping our nation's military. Our experienced, highly skilled work force and strong industrial base should be counted among our country’s most important military assets.” 

Since the February 29 decision, Cantwell wrote to President Bush to express concern about illegal foreign subsidies, asked the Secretaries of Labor and Commerce to verify Northrop/EADS’ inflated jobs claims, met with Boeing subcontractors in Tacoma, and convened a meeting of sister unions to rally support for Boeing in the wider labor community in Washington state and across the country. Cantwell has expressed concern over whether the Air Force is sufficiently considering lifecycle operating costs, the national security impact of the high cost of fuel, and the need to maintain critical skills vital to national security and a strong industrial base when making its procurement decisions.
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