
Cantwell, Murray resolution honoring Shuttle Astronauts Michael Anderson and Willie McCool passes Senate

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Senate has unanimously agreed to a resolution remembering and honoring the heroic lives of astronauts Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Commander William McCool. "Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Commander Willie McCool left an indelible mark on the lives they touched in Washington state," Cantwell said. "The Senate has recognized what we in Washington state already know – Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Commander Willie McCool will be remembered as much for what they’ve given our community as for their remarkable professional accomplishments."

"All Americans were touched by the loss of the remarkable crew of the space shuttle Columbia. Those of us in Washington state pay special tribute to two heroes who touched many lives across our state," Murray said. "Commander McCool and Lieutenant Colonel Anderson represent the best our state has to offer. Their contributions to Washington state, our country and all humankind will never be forgotten."

The text of the resolution follows:

In The Senate Of The United States Ms. Cantwell (for herself and Mrs. Murray) submitted the following resolution


Remembering and honoring the heroic lives of astronauts Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Navy Commander William ‘‘Willie’’ McCool.

Whereas mankind lost 7 heroes with the tragic explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003;

Whereas the families and friends of the 7 astronauts, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the entire Nation, and people around the world who followed the historic mission will deeply miss the 7 crew members of the Space Shuttle Columbia;

Whereas the astronauts made an important contribution as models of bravery, courage, and excellence for men, women, and children around the world;

Whereas 2 of these heroes, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Navy Commander William ‘‘Willie’’ McCool, are particularly close to the hearts of residents of the State of Washington;

Whereas Lieutenant Colonel Anderson was a beloved son of the Spokane community since moving there at the age of 11, and a cherished hero for men, women, and children in Washington;

Whereas Lieutenant Colonel Anderson was a hero, long before accepting the challenge of the Columbia mission, for leading a life characterized by courage, achievement against many odds, and sacrifice for this country;

Whereas the story of Lieutenant Colonel Anderson is even more remarkable in light of the barriers to success that young African-Americans in this country have had to overcome;

Whereas this remarkable story has long been shared at the childhood church of Lieutenant Colonel Anderson and throughout the Spokane African-American community, and has inspired a generation of children;

Whereas throughout his early education in Spokane area public schools, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson focused on voyaging to space as an astronaut and became an exceptional science student;

Whereas since becoming an astronaut in 1994, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson took to heart the special responsibility of serving as a role model for children around the country and back home;

Whereas after his 1998 flight on the Space Shuttle Endeavor to the Mir Space Station, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson returned to Cheney High School in Spokane and told a crowd of enthralled students that dreams such as his of becoming an astronaut can be achieved with hard work and clear goals;

Whereas Lieutenant Colonel Anderson embodied excellence and provided a triumphant example of accomplishment for Americans of all colors, races, and backgrounds;

Whereas the Washington family lost another dear friend in Commander McCool, who made Anacortes, Washington his home during 2 periods of service at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island;

Whereas community members remember Commander McCool for his kindness, professionalism, and love of his children;

Whereas Commander McCool continued to pay visits to the Anacortes community and was a cherished member of the community; and

Whereas Lieutenant Colonel Anderson and Navy Commander McCool will be missed but never forgotten:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate remembers and honors the heroic lives of astronauts Lieutenant Colonel Michael Anderson and Commander William McCool.