
Cantwell Requests Briefing from Energy Secretary Abraham on Internal DOE Investigation of Medical Treatment of Hanford Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell is requesting a briefing from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Spencer Abraham on an internal DOE investigation of the medical treatment and safety of workers at Washington state's Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Earlier this year, the DOE's Office of Independent Assessment and Performance Assurance (OA) opened an investigation in response to allegations related to safety precautions and medical treatment at the DOE's Hanford site. The investigation, conducted by as many as 25 DOE employees, is reportedly finished and a draft report has been turned into Abraham.

"The medical care given to Hanford's workers should be based solely on what is best for the patient," said Cantwell. "Anything less is unacceptable. I look forward to meeting with Secretary Abraham to discuss the results of this investigation. We must make sure that Hanford's workers are protected from any meddling with medical practices and records for financial gain."

The text of the Cantwell's letter to Secretary Abraham follows below:

Secretary Spencer Abraham U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, Southwest Washington, D.C. 20585

Dear Secretary Abraham,

I write to ask your assistance in regard to ongoing concerns about the health and safety of workers at Washington state's Hanford Nuclear Reservation. I was encouraged that, at your request, the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Independent Assessment and Performance Assurance (OA) in February opened an investigation of allegations related to safety precautions and medical treatment at the Hanford site. Simultaneously, both the DOE Office of Inspector General and State of Washington began independent investigations of these matters. I believe these were appropriate steps, as I share your conviction that "ensuring the safety and health of our workers is paramount."

While I understand that both the OIG and State's investigations remain open, I am aware of the fact that OA last week transmitted to you its final report on the Hanford situation. Given the gravity of the allegations and importance of these complicated matters to many of my constituents, I request that you and your staff personally brief me about the OA's findings as expeditiously as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this issue, which is of such great importance to many of my constituents.


Maria Cantwell United States Senator