
Cantwell Responds to Boeing Worker Layoff Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. Today,U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released the following statement in response to the announcement that the Boeing Company is laying off 4,500 workers:

“Unemployment numbers released today show that our unemployment rate has reached a staggering 7.2 percent, the highest in 15 years.  More Americans lost their jobs last year than in single any year since 1945, and with Boeing’s announcement today, those alarming numbers hit home.

“The U.S. Government must work quickly to keep the nation’s workforce and industrial base strong – because both are key components of our national security and a strong, vibrant economy. As President-elect Obama said yesterday, we need to reward hard-work and responsibility. It is time to invest in America – in our workers, in our companies, in our infrastructure, and in empowering families to get back on their feet.  I have supported extending unemployment insurance twice since June of last year and will do so again in the upcoming stimulus bill. Clearly, unemployment benefits are not the ideal – we want Washingtonians to have work, but I believe these benefits can provide much needed support to workers that desperately need it.

“I will continue to work with the new administration to develop a plan that gives Washington state workers the certainty about their futures and the opportunity to find jobs locally that they deserve. It’s time to return America, Washington state, and our local communities to a path of competitiveness and prosperity, and we must do it now.”
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