
Cantwell Statement on Estate Tax Reform

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) issued the following statement Thursday in support of commonsense estate tax reform following the Senate’s reaffirmation that a complete estate tax repeal would harm working Americans:

“I support repealing the estate tax for small businesses and family farms. A 55 percent tax rate is unfair for America’s small businesses and family farms; they deserve tax fairness. It’s my hope that we can find an estate tax reform compromise before this expires in 2011. The vote the Republican majority pushed today was a vote for full repeal—sneaking in tax cuts to multi-millionaires at the expense of education, healthcare, and other vital initiatives. We need reform, but this reform must be within reason. We need a well thought-out policy, and I will continue to push for a compromise that will truly help America prosper.”
