
Cantwell Statement on Iraq Study Group Report

WASHINGTON, DC – Wednesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) issued the following statement on the Iraq Study Group Report:

“The Iraq Study Group recommendations represent an important step forward. I support many of the Iraq Study Group’s key recommendations and have previously called for some of these options such as more robust diplomatic and political efforts in Iraq and the region. These recommendations taken as a whole clearly indicate that a change of course is needed.

“I agree with the Iraq Study Group recommendation that the United States cannot have open ended commitment in Iraq. U.S. forces should move out of a combat role into a support role for the Iraqi Army.

“We need to act urgently to press for a political solution and build international consensus to stabilize Iraq and the region.

“Additionally, I believe that the United States should engage in direct talks with Iran and Syria on a range of issues to address serious threats to global stability.

“The United States must also separately recommit itself to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process with the required serious and sustained diplomacy.

“It is time to move forward in a bipartisan manner and I hope the president will act quickly on these recommendations to avoid even greater violence and more bloodshed. This report and the confirmation of Robert Gates must mark the beginning of a real change of course.”
