
Cantwell Statement on Port of Seattle Terminal Evacuation

SEATTLE, WA – Wednesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released the following statement after the discovery of two suspicious cargo containers prompted the evacuation of Terminal 18 on Harbor Island in Seattle:

“Today’s evacuation of the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 18 provides a stark reminder that our seaports remain vulnerable to attack. They remain vulnerable in great part because we have not made the necessary investments both here and abroad to secure our ports and the global supply chain. We must focus our efforts on screening cargo at the port of origin before it is loaded on a vessel destined for the U.S.

“Port security remains woefully under-funded, and because of this, vulnerabilities we have known about for years continue to pose a threat to our communities. This shortcoming undermines the overall security of our nation and threatens the viability of our economy.

“Legislation currently exists that would enhance the security of our seaports significantly. However, the Republican leadership in the Senate has refused to bring this legislation up for consideration despite the continued urging from senators on both sides of the aisle.

“We are operating on borrowed time and we must act now to address these threats. I’m calling on the Senate Majority Leader to bring up port security legislation as soon as the Senate returns from recess. The House has passed port security legislation and the Senate must act.”

