
FERC Suppresses Enron Emails That Could Provide New Proof of Energy Market Manipulation

Cantwell Calls on DOJ, FERC to Cooperate and Release Evidence to Snohomish PUD, Public

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) today called on Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman Pat Wood and Attorney General John Ashcroft to release e-mails written by Enron employees that could provide new “smoking guns” in the investigation of Enron's illegal market manipulation.

FERC has hidden these e-mails from the public record under protective seal and has opposed the release of additional e-mails which may contain valuable evidence.

Cantwell made her request in letters to Attorney General Ashcroft and Chairman Wood.

“Just as the now-infamous Enron audiotapes exposed Enron's corrupt corporate culture and trading practices, these e-mails may help prove how Enron manipulated energy markets,” Cantwell wrote in a letter to FERC Chairman Wood. “I therefore request that DOJ and FERC cooperate to make all such e-mails available to the public, state and local governments, and utilities attempting to defend themselves from Enron lawsuits.”

Some of the Enron e-mails requested by Cantwell are contained in Staff Exhibit 44 (S-44) of FERC Docket EL03-180. The e-mails in S-44 were pulled from a database controlled by the Department of Justice (DOJ). That database likely contains additional e-mails relevant to Enron's commercial activity.

FERC has suppressed the release of the Enron e-mails by redacting S-44 from the public record and by denying Snohomish PUD's request for access to the full database of e-mails. Snohomish requested the documents as part of its efforts to defend itself against a $122 million lawsuit filed by Enron.

“I am deeply troubled by FERC's ongoing efforts to quash and obstruct the investigation of Enron's illegal activity,” Cantwell wrote. “Last December, FERC attempted to quash the subpoena for Enron's audiotapes sought by the Snohomish PUD… Now, it appears FERC is again obstructing efforts by keeping important Enron documents, such as these e-mails, hidden under protective seal.”