
Ranking Member Cantwell Statement On Net Neutrality Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C—Today, Senator Maria Cantwell, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, issued the following statement in the wake of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruling on net neutrality rules: 

“I am deeply disappointed in the court’s net neutrality ruling.  An overwhelming majority of Americans understand the importance of a free and open internet to our innovation economy.  I am relieved that the court rejected the FCC’s attempt to stop states—like Washington State—from protecting their citizens online.  But I will keep fighting for a strong federal net neutrality law and urge my colleagues to join me in fighting to put consumers and innovators ahead of profits for big cable companies.” 

In March, Senator Cantwell joined other Democratic leaders from the Senate and House to introduce the “Save The Internet Act” which would restore net neutrality protections and keep the internet open and free. 
