
Senate to Vote on Restoring $540 Million in Job Training Cuts from FY02

Cantwell amendment would return to committee-approved levels

SEATTLE, WA - The U.S. Senate today could restore $540 million in cuts to federal job training programs if it approves an amendment authored by Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA). The bill, in its current form, would cut funding by ten percent from FY02 levels.

"Job training should be our first priority, not our last," Cantwell said. "American workers want help learning new skills. It would be a terrible decision to deny them the opportunities that job training provides, especially with our economy in trouble."

In FY02, federal job training programs received $5.66 billion. Unless Cantwell's amendment passes, the Senate omnibus appropriations bill will reduce that level to $5.12 billion. Last year, under Democratic leadership, the Senate Appropriations committee approved $5.8 billion. At the request of President Bush, Senate Republicans cut $680 million. Cantwell's legislation would restore the original committee levels.

The Senate is expected to vote on Cantwell's amendment Thursday. It is co-sponsored by Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL), Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Patty Murray (D-WA), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Hillary Clinton (D-NY).