
Senator Maria Cantwell Calls on More than Lip Service for Job Training

WASHINGTON, D.C. - "Today the President addressed the important role that job training plays in economic recovery and growth. Unfortunately, his Administration's record does not match his rhetoric. Over the last two years, the President has slashed job training programs by $678 million, a decrease of twelve percent at a time when our national unemployment rate has reached a nine year high.

"In these tough economic times, we should be expanding job training programs, not cutting them. If the President is now singing a different tune and supports strengthening job training programs, I welcome his shift in policy. If not, I offer an invitation to my home state of Washington which has an unemployment rate of 7.3 percent -- one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation.

"The President is right: American workers need help getting new skills so that we can turn this economic slump around. Without increased federal support for job training programs, the President's words and plans outlined today are nothing but lip service to American workers.

"We can and must do more to support workers and create jobs. I urge President Bush to support these efforts."