
Senators Cantwell and Murray Secure $2 Million for Drought Relief

Continue to Fight for Natural Disaster and Economic Assistance for Producers and Rural Communities

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) secured $2 million in the Supplemental Appropriations bill to help Yakima Basin farmers struggling with the drought. Late last night, the U.S. Senate approved the supplemental bill 98-1.

As part of separate legislation being drafted by the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Senators have requested $11.4 million for a comprehensive drought emergency response in the Yakima Basin. If approved, the $11.4 million would match Washington state's contribution toward augmenting water supplies in the Yakima Basin through the use of groundwater resources, fund improvements in irrigation infrastructure, and provide money a basin level review of off-stream water storage projects.

"Without immediate federal drought assistance Washington state farmers risk losing their farms, and communities may lose agriculture jobs. I am working with Senator Murray in the Senate to fight for appropriations that will ease the burden of the drought on local economies," Cantwell said. "Washington state has a rich history in the agriculture industry, and I am committed to doing all I can in the Senate to ensure its survival."

"This is a very difficult time for a vitally important industry and way of life for Washington State," said Murray. "I will continue to do all that I can in the Senate and on the Appropriations Committee to provide relief for Washington's farmers."

In addition, the Senators have written two letters to Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman asking her to approve two disaster declaration requests made by Governor Locke.

The first letter asks for a drought disaster declaration for six counties in eastern Washington that have experienced crop damage, in part because of the drought.

The second letter asks for an emergency disaster declaration for the 13 counties affected by the severe storm that ravaged crops in eastern Washington on June 26 and June 27. The Senators have also requested the Senate Agriculture Committee to provide $10 million in grant assistance to producers and farm workers affected by this disaster.

"Washington farmers were already dealing with drought, the energy crisis, and depressed prices were dealt another devastating blow by this storm," Cantwell said. "The storm has destroyed 30 percent of the crops in the affected counties. Clearly, the federal government must step in and help Washington state farmers facing economic ruin. I will continue to work with Senator Murray and Governor Locke to ensure that Washington state receives the assistance it so desperately needs."

The letter to Secretary Veneman follows.

The Honorable Ann Veneman Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture 14th and Independence Ave. SW Washington, D.C. 20250

Dear Secretary Veneman:

We are writing to express our strong support of Governor Gary Locke's recent request for the Department of Agriculture to designate 13 counties in Washington state agricultural disaster areas as a result of severe storms in Central Washington on June 27, 2001.

As you know, last week the U.S. Farm Service Agency issued a survey that found that the storms caused heavy crop damage to area farms, especially to such fruit crops as cherries, peaches, apricots, apples and pears. In cherries alone, the losses may be as high as 20% of the total crop.

As a direct result of the storms, many Washington state farmers are facing tremendous, if not total, losses on this year's crop harvest that will devastate these growers financially and may threaten their future operations.

As a result of these conditions, we urge you to approve the state's request for aid. The USDA assistance will be a vital component of the recovery efforts of these farmers, and it will provide important support for the continued vitality of agricultural growers in central Washington state.


Patty Murray United States Senator

Maria Cantwell United States Senator