
Statement by Senator Maria Cantwellon September 11th

"Two years ago, our nation was brutally attacked by terrorists. Thousands of innocent men, women, and children lost their lives on September 11, 2001, in New York, the Washington, D.C., area, and Pennsylvania. This week, we honor the memories of those lost, and remember the mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and other loved ones who will never return to their families.

"Yet in the midst of that tragedy, we were reminded about what makes America strong. Firefighters raced into the doomed towers of the World Trade Center, saving thousands of lives, although they would be unable to reach safety themselves. At the Pentagon, even as part of their building burned, the men and women of the military command stayed at their desks to help coordinate information and keep the country’s armed forces on high alert. Over Pennsylvania, a group of strangers joined together to fight back against their attackers, and saved countless lives by giving their own.

"Our strength has always come from the capacity of average Americans to rise to acts of heroism to protect neighbor and stranger alike. Now, our security derives from regular people in a wide range of jobs, in addition to the brave men and women of the armed forces. From Customs agents to cops on the beat to baggage screeners, millions of U.S. citizens have important roles to play in keeping our country safe.

"Today, the fight against terror continues. We face an elusive enemy, willing and eager to take any measure and to murder innocent civilians. To them, the freedoms we enjoy represent opportunities to attack our society and way of life.

"This week we remember why we have been drawn into this fight – so that no more families must mourn the loss of loved ones to terror attacks. As we continue this struggle, it is imperative that we do so in a manner befitting a nation of laws. By doing so, we will send a powerful message to the rest of the world: America will not yield to terrorists, and the principles of freedom and democracy will not be bowed by their cowardly tactics. Together, we will prevail."