Statement of Senator Maria Cantwell on the Bipartisan Patient Protection Act
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) applauded the U.S. Senate passage of the Bipartisan Patient Protection Act, legislation that extends essential, fundamental protections to all insured Americans, and called on the U.S. House of Representatives to follow suit.
"Over 160 million Americans rely on managed care plans for their health insurance. They have a right to expect decisions about their health care be made by their doctors, based on all necessary medical tests and examinations - not dictated by accountants, who are focused on the health of the insurance company's bottom line instead of the health of patients," said Cantwell, who co-sponsored the bill.
Cantwell said that the federal legislation passed by the Senate enhances state protections, rather than undermining them as some people have feared, by "explicitly preserving stronger state patient protection laws that meet a minimum level of protection as outlined by the federal bill." She stressed that, "This federal 'floor' guarantees that only state laws that are certified as more protective displace the federal standards."
Among other important achievements, Cantwell said, the new legislation protects a patient's right to hear the full range of treatment options from his or her doctor; prohibits financial incentives for limiting medical care; allows patients to go to the first available emergency room (ER) when they are facing an emergency, regardless of whether that particular ER is in their managed care network; allows patients with life-threatening or serious illnesses, for whom standard treatments are ineffective, to participate in approved clinical trials; and holds insurers and HMOs accountable when their abuses result in injury or death.
"One of the benefits of being in control of the Senate is that Democrats can raise and debate important issues that were not being considered when Republicans were in the majority," Cantwell concluded. "I am pleased that the first issue we brought to the floor is one that is so important to millions of Americans - the Bipartisan Patient Protection Act."
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