
Murray, Cantwell speak in support of immigration bill

By:  Katy Sword
Source: The Columbian

Senate Democrats are joining together to keep families together. The 49 Senators have all signed on to the Keep Families Together Act, introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. The bill prohibits federal agencies from removing a child without legal immigration status from their parent or legal guardian within 100 miles of the U.S. border. To accompany the legislative effort, Washington’s senators are speaking out.


Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., spoke Tuesday in front of the U.S. Capitol demanding that the President do better.


“What we are seeing being done right now, in our great country’s name, is truly horrific,” Murray said. “Children in cages.  Babies being torn from breastfeeding moms.  Parents being told their children are being taken to bathe —and then realizing they aren’t coming back.”


She said Senate Democrats want to make it clear that President Donald Trump “must end this horrific and immoral policy right now — without delay.”


“President Trump doesn’t need Congress to end what he chose to begin — and any suggestion to the contrary is absolutely wrong,” Murray sai.. “This is not an opinion — it’s a fact.”


Murray’s office has received about 6,000 calls or emails speaking against the administration’s separation policy. Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., has received about 7,200 calls, emails and letters in the last week.


“This is contrary to American values and causing unnecessary trauma,” Cantwell said in an email. “The President should stop this policy immediately. Our government has a moral and humanitarian duty to the children and families seeking a better life in the United States.”