
Sen. Cantwell visits Pasco to push farm bill

Source: KVEWTV

KVEW TV - Josh Peterson

Senator Maria Cantwell comes to Pasco today to discuss a farm bill she's pushing for that she says would help the agriculture industry across our region.

The proposed farm bill would support agriculture research and export programs - two things Senator Cantwell says are critical to the success of the farmers in our area.

Senator Cantwell toured Allied Potato Northwest's processing facility in Pasco this morning.

The proposed farm bill would fund research into developing new ways to fights pests and diseases.  

It would also support the Market Access Program, which helps growers in our area export their products overseas.

Senator Cantwell says this farm bill proposal is more of a jobs bill, because it will help create more revenue for growers, which means more jobs in the area.

"Agriculture is more than a billion dollar industry here. And as much as people talk about airplanes and software, it is the key industry of our state, and to have a farm bill that helps predictability and certainty is gonna be very, very important for our economy in the central part of the state" said Sen. Cantwell.

There is a farm bill in place right now, but it expires on September 30th.

Senator Cantwell says she is urging Congress to make this a top priority.

She says the Senate is committed to moving the bill forward, but it must also go through the House.

She says she is hopeful the bill will pass in the next couple months.