
Cantwell Announces Funding for Pierce County Domestic Violence Programs

WASHINGTON, D.C.-U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell today announced nearly $500,000 in critical funding for Pierce County to help victims of domestic violence get access to needed services and to enhance the partnership between criminal justice agencies, victim services providers, and community organizations which respond to domestic violence. "Many victims of domestic violence live in fear every single day of their lives," said Cantwell. "These funds will help make sure that victims of domestic violence are given every opportunity to seek assistance. The project will also work to ensure that those who are committing domestic violence crimes are punished to the full extent of the law."

Pierce County will proactively address the issue of domestic violence in the rurally isolated eastern and western regions of the county. Domestic violence victims within these areas often have difficulty seeking assistance from the justice system and social services agencies. The funds will address both the challenges of the criminal and civil justice systems in responding to domestic violence incidents in these areas and the obstacles faced by domestic violence victims seeking services.

Funds from this grant will be used to:

Provide training on the issuance and enforcement of protection orders, including interstate and tribal orders, and related issues for patrol officers in the Sheriff's department and ten small towns;

Authorize overtime for sheriff's deputies to track down domestic violence offenders;

Purchase digital cameras to be used in the investigations of domestic violence cases;

Hire two community advocates to work with victims shortly after the incident, assist on the domestic violence hotline, and provide ongoing advocacy services such as safety planning, courtroom support, personal advocacy, and referral services in civil legal advocacy cases;

Hold a domestic violence summit for law enforcement, prosecution, court staff, and judges within the county. The Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney's Office will serve as lead agency on the project. Project partners include the Pierce County Sheriff's Office, Alliance Against Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault Center of Pierce County, Our Sisters' House, Clerk of the Superior Court, the Commission Against Domestic Violence, and the Pierce County Executive's Office.

The grant is administered by the Department of Justice as part of the program to encourage arrest policies and enforcement of protection orders. The grant meets certain provisions of the Violence Against Women Act.