
Cantwell Announces Retraining Assistance for Yakima Workers

YAKIMA, WA – Tuesday, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) announced that 251 Yakima-area mill workers will be eligible for job retraining assistance through the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. The former employees of the Yakima Resources mill in Yakima County had petitioned for retraining assistance following news that the mill would close. This summer, their request was denied, but with Cantwell’s support, the workers appealed the decision. Tuesday the Department of Labor announced they would be eligible.

“I am pleased that the workers of Yakima Resources will receive this much-needed and long-overdue assistance,” Cantwell said. “As foreign imports increase and the world market grows more competitive, we must do everything possible to give Washington’s workers the tools to succeed. TAA provides critical education and training assistance at a time when workers and their families need it most.”

Following the announcement of plans to close the Yakima Resources mill earlier this year in Yakima County, the Western Council of Industrial Workers, which represents the affected mill workers, petitioned the U.S. Department of Labor on behalf of the workers for help through the TAA program. This August, however, the Labor Department denied the application for retraining assistance, claiming there was insufficient evidence showing that the mill closed due to foreign competition.

In response, Cantwell sent a letter sent to Labor Secretary Elaine Chao asking the Labor Department to reexamine the case giving full consideration to all factors involved, including an increase in plywood imports and the importation of plywood substitutes.

The TAA program provides retraining and reemployment assistance to workers who lose their jobs as a result of increased foreign imports. The program offers a variety of benefits and services to assist unemployed workers to prepare for and obtain suitable employment. Workers may be eligible for training, job search and relocation allowances, income support and other reemployment services. Cantwell has lead the Senate as an advocate for TAA training and the Workforce Investment Act.
