
Cantwell Criticizes Tariff-First Approach, Calls on Trump Administration to Support American Manufacturing

Recent report shows American manufacturing industries continuing to suffer

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) released the following statement today as reports continue to show the American manufacturing sector struggling:

“It’s clear from the latest report on U.S. manufacturing that the tariff-first approach on trade is hurting the United States. Threatening more tariffs just raises the cost of U.S.-manufactured products. President Trump and Secretary Ross should be pushing competitive manufacturing policies like long-term reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank. Its lapsed authorities will cost U.S. manufacturing jobs.”

A recent report from the Institute for Supply Management found the American manufacturing industries continuing to contract. Only three of 18 industries reported growth in the month of September, and the PMI – a measure of economic trends in manufacturing – slipped to its lowest point in more than a decade.

Senator Cantwell has taken a leading role in the Senate in promoting trade and supporting American manufacturing. She has cosponsored bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the United States Export-Import Bank for 10 years and worked across the aisle to help confirm nominees to the bank’s Board of Directors to ensure a quorum. She has called for an increase in infrastructure investment, including freight and maritime infrastructure, and introduced legislation to promote apprenticeships to train America’s workforce for the 21st century.
