
Cantwell Statement on Bush Plan to Raise Taxes by Repealing State Sales Tax Deduction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) today released a statement announcing her strong opposition to the Bush Administration plan to raises taxes on working families by repealing the state sales tax deduction. The Washington Post today reported that to pay for other tax cuts for the wealthy, it might eliminate the state sales tax and other local tax deductions as well as getting rid of the business tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance (complete Washington Post story included after Cantwell statement).

In a letter Cantwell will send to the President and her colleagues tomorrow, Cantwell makes it clear that she will fight his plan to eliminate this tax cut for Washingtonians every step of the way. Cantwell supports making the state sales tax deduction permanent.

"I am shocked that the Bush Administration plans to raise taxes by repealing the state sales tax deduction.

"Repealing the state sales tax deduction would increase taxes by $500 for a typical family in Washington state.

"If passed, raising this tax would be one of the greatest broken promises by a President ever.

"I will oppose this plan at every step in the process because I think families in Washington state and around the country deserve this tax relief.

"The very first piece of legislation I introduce when Congress reconvenes in January will be to make the state sales tax deduction permanent.

"The President's plan threatens to take away a sales tax deduction that can be used to help pay for mortgages, tuition, health care, or any of expenses faced by working families in today's economy, and I will not support doing that."