
Roadless Rule Comment Period Ends Today

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) issued the following statement today as the public comment period ended on the administration's proposal to overturn the U.S. Forest Service's Roadless Area Conservation Rule.

“Over four million Americans have reached out to the Forest Service urging them to protect the Clinton Administration's Roadless Rule. As yet another public comment period reaffirms America's desire to preserve these last few patches of wild forests, I urge the President to listen to the public and protect these lands for future generations.

“The Roadless Rule underwent unprecedented outreach and study and represents balanced and common-sense stewardship of our remaining pristine federal forestlands. The Administration's effort to replace these protections with a sham state-by-state petition process defies scientific and economic reason.

“Given the $10 billion maintenance backlog for current road repair, it is fiscally irresponsible to start building new roads to subsidize logging and mining companies. Taxpayers deserve more accountability from their government.”

As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee during her first two years in office, Cantwell secured a commitment from now-departing Attorney General John Ashcroft that he would work to uphold the Roadless Rule in court. Cantwell plans to hold his successor to the same commitment.

Cantwell is the primary sponsor of the Roadless Area Conservation Act, which would permanently protect Roadless areas.

In Washington state alone there are 2,015,000 acres of National Forest system lands that qualify for protection as Roadless areas.