
Statement by U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell on the Microsoft Decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) today responded to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals in the federal antitrust case against Microsoft.

Senator Maria Cantwell's statement:

"Today's unanimous ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals is, on balance, good for Microsoft. The ruling narrows the issues and reverses the lower court's decision to break up Microsoft. I have always believed that breaking up the company was ill conceived.

"Most issues are best resolved through negotiations. Rather than continue to litigate, I hope the Department of Justice, the State Attorneys General and Microsoft will take this opportunity to come together and find a way to settle this case.

"One of the most striking aspects of this decision is that, on the tying issue, the court recognized that an antitrust analysis has to be cautiously applied to the changing economy. In this regard, the court clearly showed that the rapidly changing business environment presents novel conditions and legal analysis must be very fact specific.

"The best news of all is that the court's decision ensures that consumers will continue to benefit from Microsoft's innovative work. This decision also will improve the business climate for other growing, innovative companies.

"Microsoft employees are some of the most dedicated and hard-working people in Washington state and around the world. Their innovations will continue to drive incredible products and solutions for consumers. During the years this case has been under way, they have carried an extra burden, yet they have continued to do extraordinary work. Today's ruling narrows the government's case and creates a new opportunity for constructive discussion and possible compromise among all of the parties."