
Statement of Sen. Maria Cantwell on the Nomination of Margaret Spellings to be Secretary of Education

WASHINGTON, D.C. – MS. CANTWELL. Mr. President, today the Senate will consider and vote on the nomination of Margaret Spellings as the new Secretary of Education. I will support her nomination. Ms. Spellings is a capable leader, having been principally involved in shaping education policy on both state and federal levels for over a decade. Her commitment to working on both sides of the political aisle and alongside our teachers and educators illustrates her dedication to strengthening our schools.

In today's global marketplace, ensuring access to high-quality education – from a continuum that starts in early childhood to grade school, moving on to college and beyond – is central in maintaining America 's competitive edge. To meet this goal, adequate funding of our public schools and post-secondary institutions is necessary to keep our students on the path toward achievement. I am confident that Ms. Spellings will uphold this responsibility as the head of the Department.

Meeting the needs of learners at all ages and targeting approaches that prepare them to be successful is a priority. By investing in education, we are empowering our economy. I am eager to work with Ms. Spellings on strengthening our education system, making sure that every student reach his or her full potential and improving the quality of life for all families.